Saturday, July 3, 2010

Couch Potatoes (apple doesn't fall far...)

Here's the sedate kids on the couch watching a morning show prior to heading to Spain. Hope they're ready for all the activity we are going to inflict on them. Wonder if I should start a training regiment in these last 2 weeks as we are waiting for the trip… "One, two, three… get those knees up!!! Ready… Hit it! ". If you're curious where Maeve is… she's so sedate she's still sleeping! Or maybe she's taking on the Spanish culture already of afternoon ciestas and late nights of promenading to stay out of the afternoon heat.


  1. Where are you? Where are you watching the game? Germany Uruguay was awesome game, the way soccer could be played with just some minor rule changes.

  2. I agree... where are you? did you make it safely? long flight? how'd the kids like the flight?
